Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Why do I always get things half fin

It's been several days since I blogged. Why? Because I suffer from severe lack of follow-through. Look around my house, find the sewing machine under a pile of fabric scraps, the dusty guitar in the closet, the items I was going to sell on ebay in a heap in the corner, the Martha Stewart soap making kit sitting idle while we use plain white Dove soap. The problem is, I am not guided by muses, and not even driven by demons. Not that I don't have demons, I have a whole flock of them around here somewhere. But I have spent so much time and energy telling them to be quiet that they now are.
My 3 year old suggested "fishies" as my blog subject today. Fish, fish, marvelous fish. One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. We have no fish, fish have not played a significant role in any formative stage of my life, I have no sweet little anecdotes about fish. It is on sale at our local grocery store, salmon filet $3.99 a pound. Will be making SBD Grilled Rosemary Salmon this week.
Note to self: Perhaps 3 year old is not muse I have been seeking.

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