Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Goin' South

Remember that South ... something or other diet I used to prattle on about? Nah, we haven't abandoned it completely. But some bad habits have crept in over the holidays and we are planning on going back to Phase 1 - the hardcore, no-fruit, no-bread, no-wine, no-fun phase - for a week or two. I suppose tomorrow would be a good time to start, being the time of new beginnings and all. Besides, all the Christmas chocolate is gone.

The worst part of South Beach Diet's Phase 1 for me is the V-8 juice. I learned that you are wise to eat everything South Beach entitles you to eat, to avoid being hungry (and therefore being tempted to cheat) and also to keep up your electrolyte balance, which can quickly go South (pun intended) when eating severely low-carb. So, I drink the recommended glass of V-8 juice every morning, even though I have to gag it down. I have found that the spicy variety, cut with some lemon juice and then heated is the most palatable for me.

I found a South Beach Diet blog archive that I liked; it looks like the blogger has recently quit blogging, or at least quit the informational format, but the archives are worth reading if you are a Beachie or a wannabe.

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