Monday, January 26, 2004

The hardest part

We are still waiting for news about my mother. She finally got biopsy and blood test results back last week, and ... they were negative, which would indicate no disease. Good news? Well, maybe, if it could possibly be true. Given her symptoms, and circumstances surrounding the lab procedures, the doctors are not hopeful that the results are accurate. She goes back for more testing this week.
After I first got The Call from my Dad telling me about Mom's illness, though she had not been out of my mind for a second, I did not call her for a few days. I didn't know what to say. My husband and I were careful not to talk about it in front of my daughter, but when I said to my husband one night that I wanted to call my Mom but didn't know what to say, my daughter volunteered, "Mommy, you just say "Hello!"
So I called her. Said hello. Talked about eBay and the kids and the movie we watched last night. About being afraid and life being uncertain. I'm glad I called.

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