Monday, February 09, 2004

Say anything

My husband reads my blog. Normally this is a good thing, it is always nice to have a reader. If a writer writes in the forest and no one is there to read it, should she really be folding laundry instead? Tonight he flipped his laptop shut with a snort - "You haven't updated your blog." Then he went to bed. So here I am, thinking of something, anything, to push that silly Quizilla entry down just a few inches.
Kids ... haven't done anything remarkably cute lately ... though the little one cracks me up because he shouts "BOB!" whenever he sees Bob the Builder and "DO-DA!" whenever he sees Dora the Explorer yet he still calls both my husband and me "Mama". Comes in handy at 3 a.m. - baby's crying "Mama!" and I just roll over and say "He means you, honey."
No news on my Mom, really, but she'll be starting her meds soon, though her disease is autoimmune and not cancer, she will still be on an anti-cancer drug, is likely to lose her hair, and will have a compromised immune system so that she might not be able to visit the grandchildren. There are a lot of unknowns, but she is a tough lady and I really do feel like it's all going to be ok.
eBay ... people are starting to get the first wave of tax rebates so it's a good time to start listing the junk you don't need. I found a thrift shop in town that is actually not totally disgusting and over the weekend I found 2 complete in the original box Fisher Price Little People sets from the '70s. I was beside myself.
Food news ... we haven't abandoned South Beach Diet but I haven't cracked the book in ages. I made a huge pot of albondigas based loosely on the linked recipe and Irish Soda Bread for dinner and let me tell you, it was carbolicious. Yeah, Mexican soup and Irish bread.
I guess that's it for now. Goodnight, dear, and everybody else too.

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