Friday, February 23, 2007

Weigh in


Really bummed about that. Only a few days left in Phase 1, and in past successful SBDs I've been down 10 or more pounds. I have not cheated the smallest lick of anything, either. Hoping if I stick with it I'll get that "whoosh" people talk about, but for now I'm really depressed. It's been a lot of cooking, chopping, stirring, frying, grilling, mixing, blending, a LOT of dish washing, a lot of will power to pass up birthday cakes and ice cream and bread and ketchup and waffles and fruit, and pretty expensive too - our grocery bill last week was $160 and that didn't even last 5 days.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Weigh cool, baby

Have not eaten my arm yet, nor the temptingly delicious can of chocolate frosting, minus only a few knifefulls used for ToddlErations' valentines cookies, that sits so smarmily on the door shelf of the fridge. MistErations and I are counting the days until our glass of red wine (7!) and I have carefully planned London Broil for the evening before because it requires one-half cup of red wine, which will then conveniently be open for the Big Night.

Five-Spice Salmon and Oven Roasted Vegetables for dinner, black cherry sugar free Jell-O for dessert. The MistEr likes that flavor, I thought it looked like liver and tasted like Dr. Pepper.

Weigh in: 126.4.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


If you are reading this (and are not my husband), please have a glass of wine this evening. I have been concerned that with MistErations and I being on this diet, the surplussage of wine in the world will cause a crash in the market.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The South Pee Diet

I forgot how much the South Beach Diet makes you pee. Starting on Day 1, you can forget about getting a solid night's sleep because somewhere between midnight and 3 a.m., you'll be making your sleepy (and perilous, if you have toy-dropping midgets in your house) way to the loo. Amazing to me that even a single day on the diet can change your metabolism so much - it doesn't seem all that different from what I eat in a normal day, except for the Pop Tarts, M&Ms and wine, of course. From what I know of ketosis, it can't take place so quickly, so I don't think it's that. I just wish I knew why it happens.

Other than that, we (if I can speak for the MistEr, who doesn't have publishing permissions on my blog - Hi honey!) are doing pretty well. Day 3 began with an asparagus/mozzarella/sundried tomato omelette, chef's salad for lunch and - gasp! - steak is scheduled for dinner. We are only recently red-meat eaters, and so this is our first SBD on red meat. I'm still not really crazy about it, but the chicken, fish, chicken, fish, chicken for an entire month was never easy to take so this should mix it up a bit.

Weigh in: 127.8

Monday, February 12, 2007

Miss me?

OK, so I think I got up to get a snack or something 2 and a half years ago and lost my way back to the computer. I hope it's a testament to the South Beach Diet that I'm back to extol its virtues and whine about eggs and cheese sticks for the next two weeks. MistErations and I do the 'Beach once a year, to lose about 15 pounds that slowly comes back over the course of the year and then do it all over again. I don't think that's bad! It's a ton of work to cook and prepare everything, plus ToddlErations is now 6 and eats like a little filly and the "Baby" is now 4 and can pack away his share too. The kids don't seem to mind chicken nuggets, peanut butter and jelly, and pizza for a month while we eat spinach, salads, and all kinds of ooky things they won't touch.

So, tomorrow begins Phase 1, Day 1. Guess what, it's EGGS for breakfast! I've added The South Beach Diet Cookbook to my very small diet library, and it really takes some of the monotony out of the diet. I substitute Phase-appropriate meals when needed to avoid anything that I find ooky, like shrimp, bell peppers, too many onions, (ok, they come by it honestly), and so tomorrow it's sausage-cheese-egg muffin cups instead of veggie quiche cups. Lunch is already made, since I make MistEration's lunch to go so he can take it to work, South Beach chopped salad with tuna, he takes Ricotta Creme for lunch since Jello doesn't travel well, and we have the alloted Jello in the evening instead.

Starting weight: 130. Stay tuned, I'll be back before 2010 this time.