Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Darndest Things

My 3 year old likes to tell "apple jokes". Usually they go something like this: "Why did the monster eat the apple?" "Because it was hungry!" [uproarious laughter] or "How did the apple get in the monster?" "The monster ate it!" [snort snort giggle giggle]. But she actually told one the other day that made me laugh.

3 year old: "Apple!" (long pause)

Me: "Oh, is that an apple joke?"

3 year old: "No, it's a apple and peanut butter joke, only without the peanut butter!"

Yeah, and I used to have a shirt like that, only it was a different color and mine were pants.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Weigh out

Well, not doing so hot on the old SBD this time around. Weigh in this morning was 126.5, a whopping 2.5 pounds dropped after suffering a multitude of cheese sticks and turkey roll ups with no bread. I suppose pizza and wine Sunday night didn't help, but I'm just not very motivated. Food is just so darn good.